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Participant Management


Updated over 8 months ago


Overview of the entire event's participant management.


  • Total (count) indicates the total number of participants in the event. Additionally, it shows how many of these have logged in with a Liveto account and how many are guest users.

  • Invitations (count) indicates the total number of invitations and organizer orders. Below, you will find a breakdown of how many invitations have been redeemed and how many are still pending.

  • Purchased through the store (count) indicates how many orders have been made through the embedded store and event pages in total.


  • Total (count) indicates the total number of visits to the event, broken down by specifics.

  • Unique visitors (count) indicates the number of distinct visitors who have attended, and whether they were on-site, on the virtual event platform, or in the event app.

Other Information

  • Survey responses (count) indicates the total number of responses received in surveys.

Participant List

Displays all participants of the event, including the order creation time, participant's email, any notes made, and detailed participant information.

  • You can view detailed information by clicking the View button next to the participant you wish to examine.

  • Detailed Information includes the participant’s history, actions, entered details, and any notes made by the organizer.

  • In the Participant Tickets section, you can view the participant's ticket code, product name/content, order status, product type, and access or download ticket information.

    • If you need to change the entered information, you can do so by clicking View Details and then pressing the Edit button.

    • Re-sending tickets can also be done through this section by entering the desired email address and clicking the Send button.

You can filter the search value by order code, ticket code, email, notes, participant details, and product. Enter the desired value into the search field.

  • Magnifying Glass – Searches using the provided information.

  • Trash Can – Clears the search parameters.

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