Once the free trial is over, you'll be charged based on the plan you selected when signing up, unless you cancel your subscription.
Cancelling subscription on Web
If you started a subscription to Llama Life on the Web, you can easily manage your subscription by going to Account, then click "Manage My Plan".
Here you'll be able to update from a Monthly to Annual plan, cancel your subscription, or change your card details with just a few clicks.
When updating from Monthly to Annual, it will take affect immediately and you'll receive a pro-rated credit for the time remaining in the Monthly plan.
Cancelling a subscription in the App Store or Google Play Store
If you started a subscription to Llama Life from the App Store or Google Play Store, and would like to cancel this subscription, you'll be able to self-cancel following these steps:
Open AppStore / Google Play app
Tap on your profile picture (top right)
Tap Payments and Subscriptions -> Subscriptions
Tap Llama Life, then tap Cancel
Note: both stores manage subscriptions directly so it needs to be done by you!)