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Create a vehicle


Written by Shazia Ahtasham
Updated over a week ago

In order to create a vehicle head to the menu or the hamburger icon on the top left corner of the screen, upon clicking a side menu should appear, there select "fleet" and “vehicle” in the sub category of fleet.

Once you get to the main page of “vehicles”, you can either create a vehicle or import vehicles. In order to create a vehicle, click on “create a new vehicle” appearing at the top right hand side of the screen. However if you’d like to import “vehicles” then you can do that too by simply “downloading the template”, filling the list of vehicles and then importing by clicking on “import vehicle” button in the green again at the top right hand side. Another button is to export all vehicles on an excel sheet.

While creating a vehicle you would be faced with a page wherein you would have to fill all the information relating to the vehicle that you are creating. All the required fields with asterisk need to be filled out in order to complete creating the vehicle. You can always leave out what is not required.

Once all the information is filled out you can simply click on the save button on the bottom right.

As soon as you save the vehicle, a pop up page with further details would show up requiring you to add more information pertaining to that carrier. This includes your documents for the vehicle, maintenance logs, expenses for the vehicle that are configurable under setup and recurring expenses. You can also create a fuel card if it is assigned to the vehicle. On top, you have the “out of service” which you can toggle on if at any point the vehicle gets nonfunctional. Furthermore a reason for it being out of service can also be added therein.

If you choose to add a document, you would have two options either to create or upload from the list already given on the right hand side. You can simply click on the plus icon and upload the already listed document. If you want to upload, all the relevant details relating to the document such as type, carrier vehicle would be required to be filed out while creating the document. The added documents would show up in a form a list and you can edit or view the document.

Now coming to maintenance logs, you can create a maintenance log by clicking on “create new maintenance log” in blue on the top right hand side.

Once you click on this option, the page with details will pop up and you would have to add details such as maintenance type, maintenance plan, vehicle, vendor, mileage, service date, amount and description. On the top you should be able to switch between the vehicles and trailer as well.

Once all details are added then do not forget to save. You can view the list of your maintenance logs under the maintenance logs as well. Furthermore you can always edit or delete the maintenance log if need be through the “actions” button.

The expenses would have to be configured under the main setup and then later you can add or assign those expenses to that particular vehicle. You can configure these expenses by going to Menu > Setup > expenses > Recurring expenses setup. Once they are configured then they would appear under the expenses tab of the vehicle.

In case you map your fuel by the vehicle then you can create and assign the fuel card to the individual vehicle so that your fuel does not go unmapped in the system. In order to create a fuel card for the vehicle go to the fuel card tab and select "create new fuel card".

When you click on this option, all the details that need to be filled out will show. Such as vehicle, fuel card type, card number and in case of the owner operators for whom you want to deduct the fuel, you can simply turn on the toggle which says deductible. Once all the details are added, save and fuel card would be assigned to the individual vehicle.

On the main page, you can search your vehicles through the top filters, or find your “out of service” vehicles by toggling on “out of service”. You can choose to show or hide your advance filters too by clicking on the arrow sign. The list of vehicles can be exported by clicking on the “Export to excel” button. Furthermore if there is a list of vehicles that you would like to import then you can download the template, fill in the template and import the vehicles by clicking on the green button “import vehicle”. In order to view all the columns, just move the bar appearing on the top of the list.

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