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Written by Alana S
Updated over a week ago

Once a scheduled load has been completed, its invoice will be managed in the invoices module in LoadStop. The invoices module lets you seamlessly create and send invoices to your customers or your factoring company.

To search for any specific invoice, you can use the various filters shown below.

To search by load number, use the search bar on the top left. The Pickup State and Delivery State are the addresses of the loads you’re looking for. Similarly, the Sales Agent, Booking Authority, and Dispatcher are the entities assigned to the loads being searched for. You can also search by Van Types such as van or reefer, Load Types such as TL or LTL, and Invoicing methods such as Factoring or Email invoices. If enabled, the Hide Notes and Hide Exceptions toggles will remove the load notes and any load exceptions, such as high empty miles, from the invoices being displayed on your screen.

To make the entire invoice processing easier for you, the various stages of the process have been categorized in the following tabs.

The Pending tab shows a list of completed loads with their BOL and confirmation attached, and load invoice ready to be created. To create an invoice for a load, just click on the Create Invoice button next to the load number. You can also create multiple invoices at once by selecting multiple loads and clicking on the Create Invoice button on the top right of the list.

If you scroll to the right, you’ll be able to view the load documents by clicking on the eye symbol under Docs and add invoice notes by clicking on the plus symbol under Notes.

Once the invoice has been created it’ll move to the ready to send tab, from where you can send the invoice to either your customer or your factoring company.

You can apply various actions on the selected invoices in the list through the buttons on the top right. The Delete Invoice button deletes the invoice and moves it back to the Pending tab. You can send the invoice to your customer by email through Send Invoice, and EDI as well through the Send Invoice through EDI button. In case you may want to mark the invoice as being sent without actually sending it to the customer, you can select the invoice and click on the Mark as Sent button. All sent invoices and the ones marked as sent will then be shifted to the Pending Payment tab.

To send invoices to your factoring company, select the invoices and click on the UploadInvoice button. You will also have to select the booking carrier and the factoring company from the dropdown menus before uploading.

The factored invoices will move to the Pending Upload tab for a few minutes while they upload, and then to the Pending Payment tab once they have been uploaded successfully.

The Export Logs button lets you export the invoices as an official record.

You can export the invoices by emailing them to a receiver by clicking on the Export Invoices button. The Export Invoice Logs button shows you a record of the exported invoices.

You’ll even have these options available if you click on the Actions button net to an invoice. This will give you an additional option of Fees, where you can edit the fees of the invoice.

When you upload the invoices to your factoring company, they will remain in the Pending Upload tab until the upload has been completed successfully. This may take a couple of minutes. You can also download and have a look at the log details by clicking on the Factoring Logs button.

The actions button next to the invoices in this tab will allow you to delete the invoice, edit fees, and view the history of any changes made to the invoices.

The sent invoices will sit in Pending Payment until complete payment has been received. To mark the complete payment of an invoice, click on the Actions button next to the invoice and select Full Payment. Similarly, you can also select Partial Payment to indicate that only a part of the full payment has been received. Along with this, you also have the option to edit fees, send the invoice, view email/EDI logs, download and delete the invoice.

Once the complete payment has been received, the invoice will move to the Payment Received tab. You will see all your completed invoices, the total amount received, and the total factoring fees on this tab. For each invoice, you’ll be able to edit the fees, email the invoice, view the log of emails, download the invoice, download the factoring invoice, delete the invoice, and view invoice history.

You can delete multiple invoices at once by selecting the invoices and clicking on the Delete button.

Invoice Settings

From the main settings, you can configure your invoice settings in the Invoice tab.

You can configure the toggles on this page to configure your invoice settings. The Track Customer Payments to Factoring Company option if enabled will insert an additional tab called Pending Payment to Factoring in the invoices module for the factored invoices.

This tab will contain the factored invoices for which you have received the payment from your factoring company, but the factoring company has not yet received the payment from your customer(shipper/broker). Once your factoring company receives the payment, you will have to update the invoices in this tab and mark them as paid to move them further to the Payment Received tab.

Some more settings have been shown below that apply to the invoice PDF that will be sent to your customers.

These settings will apply to all your invoices once you save them. You can select the invoice template from the two templates available and set up the body of the email as well.

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