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LoadStop Driver's Application

How to use the LoadStop Driver's Application

Written by Alana S
Updated over a week ago


In this article, we will discuss the LoadStop Driver's Application and how it couples with the TMS to maximize efficiency. The app is for drivers only and available for download on iOS and android.

The drivers can sign up, or sign in if they already have an account, using their cell phone number. An OTP is generated and sent to the driver on their number. The same cell phone number must be inserted in the drivers' profile in Fleet> Drivers on the TMS to ensure connectivity with the profile on the app.

Note: In case the driver does not receive the OTP, please guide the driver to perform the below action to resubscribe our message service:

Write ‘START' and send it to our number '+17149424093’.


Once logged in, the app will take the drivers straight to the dashboard which consists of three tabs. The Pending tab is where the drivers will receive the loads dispatched to them. They can click on the load to view the load details before accepting or rejecting the load. Once the load is accepted, it will be pushed to the Active tab, as shown in the gif below.

From the active tab, the driver can update the load information as he progresses with the load. Against each stop, the driver may update the milestones for the load to depict the current status of the load. These milestone updates will be reflected on the Milestone tab of the Load Edit screen on the TMS. The driver may also select the trailer to be dropped as well as mark the shipment as complete once he's done. Additionally, the driver may add documents to be attached with the load, or any notes if he may want to add directly from the app.

The final tab is the History tab that consists of the previous loads the driver has completed. The drivers can click on the load number on this tab to open the load and view its information.

Other than the dashboard, you'll also find some additional modules on the side menu of the app.


The drivers can edit their profile details from this page.


This page keeps a record of the documents sent from the app.

Maintenance Logs

The drivers can add maintenance logs for their trucks undergoing any maintenance activity. They will have to attach the receipt along with the maintenance log as well. Once added, this log will automatically be sent to the TMS for approval.


The settlements module will keep a record of all the settlements sent to the drivers for the loads they've completed. They can view and share the pdf file from this page.

Reimbursement/ Receipts

The drivers may add expenses and upload them to the TMS along with the receipt for reimbursements. They will be notified if the reimbursement has been approved or rejected along with the managers' comments.

Select Languages

This allows you to choose your preferred language.

Time Off

The drivers can request time offs by using the "Add" option and filling in all the information. They can also view all the previous time off requests from here.

App User Guide

The app user guide is a quick introduction to the app and very beneficial for first-time users. It helps the users navigate around the app and briefly explains the basic features.

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