The following new features have been added for a better customer experience:
Route Name Column
Option for Radius Search
Shortcut to upload Carrier Invoice
Per Diem Rate for Team Drivers
Agency / Agents Permissions
External Carrier Lane Based Rate Card
1. Route Name Column
The Route Name column has been added in the Tracking and Loads grid. Users can now search the load by the route name in the Tracking as well as the Loads grid.
Dispatch > Loads
Tracking > Real-Time Tracking Map > Trackings
2. Option for Radius Search
Users can now view a load within a certain radius of a pickup city. Radius can be selected from a minimum of 50 miles to a maximum of 200 miles. It works in combination with Pickup City, which must be selected to select a radius limit.
Dispatch > Loads
3. Carrier Bills - Shortcut to upload Carrier Invoice
Users can now upload Carrier Invoice directly using the Action Menu. In the Carrier Bills pending tab, an option called "Upload Carrier Invoice" has been added under the Actions Menu.
Settlements > Carrier Bills > Pending Invoices > Actions Menu > Upload Carrier Invoice
4. Per Diem Rate for Team Drivers
Per diem rate for team drivers can now be created and it is adjustable in the settings. An input field has been added in the settlements section of the global settings for adding per diem for the team (secondary) driver.
While generating settlement, if the driver belongs to a team load, and the per diem toggle is enabled in the driver’s profile, then the per diem values set under Team Drivers in the Settlement Settings will be used.
Mian Menu > Settings > Settlement > Settlement Per Diem
5. Agency / Agents Permissions
A new tab of “Permissions” for External Agencies and Internal Agents has been added. The permissions would be as follows:
For External Agents:
Create a new load
Create new Load Template
Show Rate Info
Carrier List
Driver List
Driver Team List
Truck List
Trailer List
Customer List
Contact List
Financials: (default would be OFF)
Account Receivable
Real-Time Tracking Map
Location/Milestone Update
Main Menu > Agency Management > Agencies > Edit Agency
A check box “Overwrite Permission” has also been added under the permissions tab of agents in the agency. If that check box is unchecked, then the permissions screen will be blocked (won’t be editable). By default, agents will inherit the permissions of the agency. But if the admin agent overwrites certain permissions for the agents then those permissions will be changed for those agents. If the “Overwrite Permissions” is unchecked, then agency permissions will be implied.
For Internal Agents:
Main Menu > Agency Management > Agents > Edit Agent
6. External Carrier Lane Based Rate Card
Users can now create rate cards for External Carriers at lane level.
The user will need to enable the configurable from
Menu > Settings > Settlement > Enable external carrier rate card at lane level
The lanes are distinguished based on zipcode to zipcode, state to state, or both.
If multiple lanes exist with similar zip codes then the system will prompt the user to select which lane to use for the rate card.
Fleet > External Carriers > Click on Carrier to Edit