The following new features have been added for a better customer experience:
Multi Load Schedule with Split Panels
Multiple loads from split template
Booking Authority as Sender
TGI Integration
Driver Reach Integration
Location | Ability to add Multiple Locations with the Same Addresses
Expire Load Postings Manually and Automatically
Refreshing the Load Page
Primary Contact Name for Partner Carriers and External Carriers
Setup up - Percentage-based Fuel Surcharge
Settlements - All Summary boxes are updated upon manual selection
Multi Load Schedule with Split Panels
Visibility on the Load Template screen has been improved so that if there are multiple splits on a Load Template, the user can view them.
Main Menu > Setup > Load Templates
The Multi Load Schedule feature can now be used to generate multiple loads from a load template that contains multiple legs/splits.
Transit time and available delivery days for each split template can be defined.
Users can select the pickup dates, the number of loads for the day chosen, and the load transit time.
By clicking on the Edit button, the users can also define the delivery location availability (whether a particular location is open for delivery or not) for each split/leg.
The system calculates the total transit time by aggregating the transit time from each split.
The pickup date for the first split is the day of the week selected. The delivery date is calculated from the pickup date + transit time of the first split.
The pickup date for the second split is the delivery date of the first split. The delivery date for the second split is calculated from the pickup date of the second split + the transit time of the second split and so on.
On create schedule screen, the system will only display the pickup date of the first leg and the delivery date of the last leg.
2. Booking Authority as Sender
The Check call and location update email to the customer will now be sent from the booking authority’s email address.
Tracking > Location / Milestone Updates > Send Pending Milestones
3. TGI Integration
Trailer GPS Tracking (TGI) has now been integrated with LoadStop. Users can now see their trailers through the LoadStop portal.
Main Menu > Setup > Integrations > Trailer Tracking
In order to integrate TGI, just click on the icon and then enable the toggle of status and enter the Carrier name, User name, Password, and Company/Carrier Code.
4. Driver Reach Integration
Driver Reach has now been integrated with LoadStop. Users can now manage their drivers through this integration.
Main Menu > Setup > Integrations > Driver Onboarding
In order to integrate Driver Reach, just click on the icon and then enable the toggle of status and enter the Carrier name, X-Api-Key, Webhook URL, User name, and Password. To know more details about the integration process, please check out our article on Driver Reach Integration by clicking the link below:
5. Location | Ability to add Multiple Locations with the Same Addresses
Users can now save the same address for multiple locations. The system now allows duplicate addresses/ same addresses to be saved under different business names.
Main Menu > CRM > Locations
To save the same address under a different location name, users can utilize the address 2 field to type the name of the new location.
6. Expire Load Postings Manually and Automatically
Load postings can now be expired manually as well as automatically.
For Expiring Load Postings Manually:
Dispatch > Loads > Tendered
An option to select multiple loads and a button to expire the postings against those loads has been added to Loads Module.
For Expiring Load Postings Automatically:
Main Menu > Settings > Sourcing
A setting called Automatically Expire Load Postings has been added in the global settings. If the toggle is on, the user can enter time in hours after which the load postings will automatically expire. There is a multi-layered logic that is executed as below:
The system will expire load if the delivery date is passed.
Or if the load is dispatched.
Or if the time interval set in the global setting is reached.
7. Refreshing the Load Page
The open entry values will be reset and all other filters will be retained on refresh.
The list of fields that are refreshed in each session is given below:
Loads #
Trip #
Cust Load/ Ref/ Conf #
Pickup/ Delivery #
Shipment BOL #
PO Number #
Seal #
8. Primary Contact Name for Partner Carriers and External Carriers
A new open entry field has been added in the carriers section for Partner Carriers and External Carriers for Primary Contact.
While creating a new partner carrier or external carrier, users can now add the name of the representative they are speaking to in that company in a separate field.
9. Setup up - Percentage-based Fuel Surcharge
The system now calculates fuel surcharge based on the invoice percentage of the load’s primary fee.
The Fuel Surc. Type has two options:
Flat Amount.
Invoice %
In the case of a flat amount, the user enters a flat amount and that amount appears on the invoice as a Fuel Surcharge line item.
In the case of Invoice %, the user will enter the percentage value in the Fuel Surc. field and system will apply that percentage to Primary Fee to calculate the Fuel Surcharge amount.
In case the user selects the Fuel Surc. Type as Invoice% then the Fuel Surcharge line item on the invoice pdf will contain the word invoice%.
10. Settlements - All Summary boxes are updated upon manual selection
The Net Amount, Open Deductions, and Open Reimbursements are now updated upon manual selection under Settlement Management.
Settlements > Settlement Management
By default, the total Net Amount, Open Deductions, and Open Reimbursements of all the loads are shown commutatively. The summary boxes of these three values are updated upon the manual selection of the load, deductions, or reimbursements.