The following new features have been added for a better customer experience:
Settlement Notes Hover
Loads - BOL PDF Changes
Escrow Account - Create Historical Matching Table
Add Team Driver Toggles in Dispatch Module and FleetOps
Driver | New Fields for the Settlement PDF (CD and OO)
Customer Confirmation - Configurable Yard Locations/Local Terminal and Split Locations
Show Split Locations on Invoice PDF and Add Configurable Yard Locations/Local Terminal
Add Trailer Type B-Train/Super B and Length 65
Payable Name & Driver Name PDF conditions
1. Settlement Notes Hover
Any payment notes entered on the load will now show up on the settlements management page next to each load on the Grid. If the notes exist, the user will see a note icon on the Grid. Upon hover the notes will be displayed as a tooltip.
The system will also show notes against deductions and reimbursements.
2. Loads - BOL PDF Changes
Now the BOL can be generated without having to dispatch/broker the load. The declared value on the load will also show up on the BOL and the signatures of the shipper, pickup carrier, and consignee with the dates and time have been added at the bottom of the BOL PDF.
3. Escrow Account - Create Historical Matching Table
The users can now view Historical Escrow account balance on the settlement screen by clicking on the Escrow balance hyperlink.
The system will show a popup that displays the Escrow Balance against all previous settlements with the date and name of the user that made those Escrow Credit transactions.
4. Add Team Driver Toggles in Dispatch Module and FleetOps
The team driver toggle will now show up when accessing the tracking map from the Dispatch Module or the FleetOps Module.
5. Driver | New Fields for the Settlement PDF (CD and OO)
Driver EIN number field has been added in the drivers’ profile under contact info. If the EIN number exists then it will be displayed on the Settlement PDF. Drivers’ address information will also be displayed on the settlement PDF.
6. Customer Confirmation - Configurable Yard Locations/Local Terminal and Split Locations
A new configurable has been added under global Load Settings in the Customer Confirmation section called Show Yard Locations on Customer Confirmation PDF.
If the setting is toggled on then only locations that are marked as local terminals will show up on the customer confirmation PDF.
The same configurable has been added in the invoice settings. If turned on only then the locations marked as Local Terminal will show up on the Invoice PDF.
7. Show Split Locations on Invoice PDF and Add Configurable Yard Locations/Local Terminal
A new configurable has been added under global Load Settings in the Customer Confirmation section called Show Split Locations on Customer Confirmation PDF.
If toggled on, only then locations that are part of the local splits or local legs will show up on the customer confirmation PDF.
The same configurable has been added to the invoice settings. If toggled on, only then the local legs will be displayed as stops on the invoice PDF.
8. Add Trailer Type B-Train/Super B and Length 65
A new trailer type called Type B-Train/Super B has been added in the Loads Module and Trailer Profile.
Trailer length of 65 feet has also been added in the length dropdown in the Loads Module and Trailer’s profile.
9. Payable Name & Driver Name PDF conditions
If a driver has been assigned a Payable Owner Operator then the name of that Payable Owner Operator will also be displayed at the top of the Driver Settlement PDF.