The ubank application uses digital technology to generate, validate and send Forms for signing. There is no need to print paperwork and obtain wet signatures.
This process will generate the:
Application Form; and
Broker Interview Guide
Before Triggering Generate Forms
You will need to ensure that the Application data has been entered and validated and that the following workflows within Loanapp have been completed for ubank.
Triggering Generate Forms
To trigger Generate Forms, select Generate Forms from the File Tab, then both Validate buttons to check you have completed the required data.
Loanapp will run the validation and detail any errors if they occur. The image below shows no errors. If errors occur, you can click on them to be taken to the relevant place within Loanapp.
You will be able to:
Generate a PDF (choose this option if you are sure you are ready to print – it generates the actual PDF which is a slightly longer process); or
Generate HTML (choose this option if you want to check the data on the Application Form and go back into the application and change anything - it’s the quick option)
If you select HTML Preview a pop-up will appear for you to review the Application Forms.
After you choose to Generate PDF, you can choose to open or download the PDF.
Examples of the forms are in the images below.
Click here for the full ubank User Guide.