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How Living Expenses are displayed on the Loanapp Summary forms.
How Living Expenses are displayed on the Loanapp Summary forms.

This article will explain the how the Living Expenses are displayed on the Loanapp Summary forms.

Liz avatar
Written by Liz
Updated over a week ago

When the applicants declared living expenses are less than the HEM Loanapp will automatically calculate the Hem and this will be displayed as just one line of ' Basic Living Expenses'  plus the extra declared living expenses that are not included in the HEM calculation on the Summary, Income and Expenses table and on the Serviceability, Expenses Details - Borrowers section, as per below:

When the applicants Living Expenses are greater than the HEM Loanapp will itemise all expenses on the Summary, Income and Expenses table and on the Serviceability, Expenses Details - Borrowers section, as per below:

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