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ubank How to Complete an Application Quickly
ubank How to Complete an Application Quickly

A suggestion on the quickest and easiest way to populate and Application for ubank

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

The steps below outline how to the best best method for saving time and effort when completing a Loan Application for ubank. 

Where applicable, click on the links to view instructional articles and videos.

1. Enter Data into Person Applicants


2. Get Data From 3rd Party Services


3. Verify 3rd Party Data & Add Missing Information

  • Look through App, see that newly added data is correct & complete their entry
    i.e. Income, Assets & Liabilities, etc.

  • Add any data that is missing
    i.e. Existing Property, New Purchase Property, New Loan, etc.

  • Upload VOI Certificate to Lender Docs if not done previously


4. Generate Forms


5. Initiate Electronic Sign

  • Send forms via Docusign

  • Sign electronically using links emailed to Broker and Applicant (not show in video)


6. Submit

  • Submit by pressing the Submit Button in the File Tab

  • At this point no Supporting Docs are required


Information on the full process can be found in the ubank User Guide.

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