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How to add Proof of Identity

What ID documents are you providing for your Person Applicants

Liz avatar
Written by Liz
Updated over 2 months ago

Proof of Identification is an important part of any application. 

ID documents may be Photographic, Non Photographic or Secondary.

Each Lender will have their own requirements about how many documents need to be provided for each Person Applicant


Proof of Identity documents are identification documents provided by an Applicant to verify who they are.

Acceptable Proof of Identity documents fall into three categories:

  1. Photographic – such as an Australian Driver’s licence or Passport;

  2. Non Photographic – such as an Australian Birth Certificate or Medicare Card, and;

  3. Secondary – such as a Bank Statement, Credit Card, or Electricity bill

The number and category of documents which you are required to enter will depend upon each Lender’s requirements. This article outlines how to add Proof of Identity for a Person Applicant.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1

Once you have entered a Person Applicant, you may enter their Proof of Identity details.

Ensure that you are on the Current Situation tab, Person Applicant menu icon.

Next, click on Proof of Identity in the page menu.

Then click on Add Proof of Identity and you will be presented with the categories of identity that you may choose.

Step 2

Select Photographic from the list of Proof of Identity categories.

From here, you may select a type of identification.

Assuming that you would like to enter an Australian Driver's Licence, select it from the list.

Step 3

You are now presented with the data fields required to add the Proof of Identity document.

Notice there is a new item in the page menu and the page heading is Document.

Step 4

All boxes outlined in red are mandatory fields.

Notice the messages dropdown, which contains a list of all mandatory fields which require completion.

Clicking on one of the values in the list will take you to the relevant field for completion.

Step 5

Notice the Location Document Verified field.

This is where you need to enter the address of where the document was verified.

This field is an Address popup field.

For information on how to add an Address popup, refer How to add an Address article.

Step 6

Once you have completed all the required information, you will notice the number of messages is zero, and there is a green 'thumbs up' in the page menu next to the information you have just added.

Auto Save

You can safely click anywhere in the application at any time; auto saving ensures that you never lose any information.

Step 7

You have successfully added your first Proof of Identity document for your first Person Applicant.

You may now click on Proof of Identity in the page menu.

You will notice the entry under Proof of Identity list on the right hand side.

Step 8

You may now wish to continue entering all other Proof of Identity documents.

Do this by clicking Add Proof of Identity and select the appropriate category and type.

Step 9

As each additional Proof of Identity document is added, it appears in the Proof of Identity list on the right hand side.

These items will also appear in the page menu on the left hand side.

You may enter as many Proof of Identity documents as required.

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