* Please note that serviceability for ubank & Columbus is not applicable
The Serviceability section of Loanapp provides lender-set, built in serviceability rules which are automatically pre-filled with data from the application, allowing the loan writer to quickly verify and understand the application suitability.
The Serviceability calculation metrics include important indicators such as LVR (Loan to Value Ratio), NDI (Net Disposable Income), DSR (Debt Servicing Ratio), Household living expenses, income tax scales, and much more.
Step by Step Instructions
Important Note: For Serviceability to display properly, it is assumed that the application has been completed properly with all relevant information and has successfully passed the Validation and Pre-Submission checks.
Step 1
From within an In Progress or Submitted application, go to File.
Step 2
Select Serviceability.
Step 3
Viola! The Serviceability information appears.
The metrics shown may include LVR, NDI, DSR, NSR and MBC.
The metrics shown are set and defined by the lender; not all lenders will display all metrics.
Step 4
For any metrics which fail, a red exclamation mark is visible.
For any metrics which pass, a green tick is visible.
Step 5
You can download or email any of these reports directly from within Loanapp.