Fees are entered at the conclusion of an application in the Summary section.
Some examples of fees are Application fee, Brokerage fee, Establishment fee, Legal fee, LMI and Stamp Duty. There are many other fees to choose from.
This article assumes that you have basic familiarity with Loanapp and know how to start and progress through an application.
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
You must be on the Summary Tab of Loanapp.
Select Add Fee.
Step 2
When Add Fee is selected, four new fields will be visible. They are:
Step 3
To the right of Type, click on the drop down arrow to reveal the complete list of fees available from that lender.
Step 4
For this example, we have selected Stamp Duty on Mortgage.
Step 5
Next, populate the Category, the Amount and if the fee has been Paid (Yes or No).
Important note
You may add as many fees as you like by repeating steps 1 though 5.
How to Delete a Fee
To delete a fee, simply click the Trashcan to the right of the fee you wish to delete.