When a Lender has Loanapp for e-lodgement, they will set up all of their Broker partners in Loanapp with a 'profile'. This will ensure that 1) the Broker has access and 2) the Broker only has access to their own applications.
As a Broker partner of the Lender, you will receive an invitation to finalise your credentials for access to Loanapp (and Simpology Manager, which is the overall platform). This article gives you an understanding of what to expect when this happens.
The Lender will set you up with a profile in their system, and you will receive an invite on email:
When you click on the 'here' link in your invite email, you will be asked to finalise the login credentials. First, you need to set your password. (Your login will be your email address):
Once you have entered and confirmed your password, you will be directed back to the login screen to login with your email and password:
For added security, some Lenders have two-factor authentication enabled on their e-lodgement.
If your Lender has 2FA setting, the final step for setting up your credentials is to enable 2FA on your profile. If you don't already have one on your smart phone, you will need to download an Authenticator app such as Google Authenticator, Authy, or Microsoft Authenticator. When you are ready with an Authenticator App on your smart phone, click "generate key":
This will present to you a QR Code on screen:
On your authenticator app, select 'add' to add a new account and to scan the QR Code:
The Authenticator App will give you a code to enter in as the verify key:
Your 2FA will now be setup. Proceed to login properly:
You will asked once more to enter your details:
And add an Verification Key from your Authenticator App:
And then you are ready to go to login and manage you application submissions with your Lender
IF you already have a login to Simpology Manager with another Lender
You can use the same credentials that you set, for all Lenders that invite you to Loanapp
Simpology Manager is the 'doorway' to all Lender lodgement channels. So if you have access to Loanapp already for another lender, and you get an invitation from a new lender, you wil be able to use the same credentials to login to the new lender.
When you have access to more than one lender, when you login you will get the option to choose with Lender 'channel' you want to go into:
And when you login to your selected Lender channel, once you are in there you a 'logged in' to the whole world of Simpology Manager, so you can easily 'switch' which Lender channel you are in by clicking here: