The Omni interface has a number of features:
Application selector - Choose to view all applications that are relevant to you, or select a specific application
Filters - Applications can be filtered by a range of attributes. A tick shows on the filter when it is applied
Channel toggle - Select the channel that you would like to view the application's status in, or only see a channel's applications in the selector. If no channel is selected, a user will see all app's they have access to and will always see the highest layer's status (i.e. Origin, if this app has been promoted)
My Tasks toggle - Select:
Mine only - To only see tasks allocated or delegated to you, the logged in user
All tasks - To see all tasks for the selected application that your user permissions allow
Select - To choose the person, role or team you wish to see allocated and assigned tasks for
Timeline - (when enabled) The timeline shows a graphic with the application's progress to-date within the assessment workflow
Application status - Shows the application's current status within the assessment workflow
Pending actions - Shows any actions that are pending completion by the user
Action processes & actions - A searchable & filterable list of Action processes & items that need to be complete for the selected application, or an overview of all that are outstanding
Action process - Processes contain a group of action items which need to be complete
Action item - Items that need to be addressed to progress an application