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ANZ - registering applicant preference for ANZ eSign for receiving and signing Post Approval documents
ANZ - registering applicant preference for ANZ eSign for receiving and signing Post Approval documents

ANZ eSign can now be used for execution of some post-approval documents. You are able to register this preference in Loanapp submissions.

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

When completing a Loanapp application for ANZ, ANZ eSign is now available to be used for receiving and signing of some post-approval documents.

In the Summary Tab you will be able to see ANZ eSign as an available delivery method:

The Summary Tab has two subsections.

In the Nomination for Correspondence, when you select Applicant, you will see onscreen detail of ANZ eSign eligibility:

The Method for delivery will default to ANZ eSign.

If the applicant does not wish to use ANZ eSign, or the application is ineligible, they can choose to receive the relevant documents via email or post. Please note: email and post require a wet signature.

Where you select ANZ eSign as the preferred Method, you are unable to set different delivery method preferences for each of your applicants.

Choosing ANZ eSign will mean that certain details are mandatory for the applicants to provide, and you will note that certain validations are triggered such as:

  • a valid and unique mobile number is entered for each applicant

  • a valid and unique email address is entered for each applicant

  • a valid and unique mobile number is entered for you, the broker

  • a valid and unique email address is entered for you, the broker

    Please ensure these details are current.

Your applicant's preferences will be sent to ANZ upon submission, and ANZ will issue and deliver Post Approval documents in the preferred manner, where the application is eligible.

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