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Using Filters

View specific data that meets given criteria

Henry Coleman avatar
Written by Henry Coleman
Updated over a week ago

Filters can be created, saved, and accessed from the Dashboard, within Insights and within the ReviewsInbox.

A filter gives the ability to set conditions so only certain data is displayed; They're useful for focusing on specific information in a large dataset. 

Filters can also be used to apply a custom security role to a user's profile. This is useful if you have users who are responsible for managing specific regions and only need access to information that is relevant to them. 

To create Filters

All blue Filter icons can be expanded and used to drill down to a specific dataset within that dashboard.

A filter can be any combination of the attributes below (i.e. Review Tag, Custom Groups*, Locality, Review Source, Organizations in the application, and/or Star rating). Any filter combination can be saved as a custom filter using the save icon in the bottom left-hand corner.

Any name can be assigned when creating custom filters; Saved filters can be accessed under the Select Saved Filter drop down and can be used throughout the noted sections.

Filters can also be deleted by selecting the trashcan icon in the bottom left-hand corner, and selecting which filter you wish to delete.

*Custom Groups were previously known as Entity Tags. This change in language will be reflected throughout the platform.

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