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How do I cancel a trip on behalf of a traveller?
How do I cancel a trip on behalf of a traveller?
Locomote Team avatar
Written by Locomote Team
Updated over a week ago

Oh no!

The email comes in, 4:58pm on a Friday afternoon and a loud sigh exits your mouth, without hesitation.

Time to fire up the Locomote Corporate Travel Platform and get ready to cancel a trip request, on behalf of the traveller who longer needs to fly business class and hire a car for their road trip.

As the Travel Management Consultant (TMC), cancelling the trip is as easy as 5 steps...

  1. On the Dashboard, locate the trip either by trip state or search by the Trip ID (ie. TMP-ABC123) in the search icon, to the right of your user Avatar

  2. Once the trip has been located, either on the Dashboard or via the search field, click on the trip

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Trip Details or Quotes page where a Cancel Trip will be displayed. Click Cancel Trip to cancel the trip

  4. A Cancel Trip pop-up box will appear. Write a message/reason for cancelling the trip. Once you have entered your message, click Submit

  5. A pop-up message will appear, confirming that the selected trip has now been cancelled.

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