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Best practices for Notifications

Learn tips on how to decrease the number of email notifications you, your clients, and other collaborators receive

Updated over 8 months ago

With default Notification Settings, you and your collaborators will receive notifications from Loomly when you are assigned to a post, when the post status is updated (if you are assigned to the post), or when comments are left on a post.

Please adjust the following settings to manage the frequency of notifications that you would like to receive:

1. Update your Notification Settings

You and your collaborators will need to log into your individual Loomly accounts and update your notifications settings in the Notifications tab of your Account Settings for each calendar you have access to.

Notifications can be turned off for specific activities, or the email frequency can be updated to receive daily and weekly digests.

2. Notify Collaborators when a whole month of content is ready

If you or your collaborators would like to receive fewer email notifications or would like to review multiple posts at one time, do not assign individual posts to collaborators. This will prevent them from receiving notifications to review each individual post.

Instead, once several posts are ready to be reviewed, use the "Notify Collaborators" button located in the calendar's toolbar. This will then notify them that a calendar of content is ready for review so they can approve several posts at one time.

3. Mark comments as private to hide them from Clients

You can mark comments as Private to make them invisible to collaborators that have been assigned a Client role. This will also prevent notifications from being sent to them.

We recommend marking comments as Private if you want to brainstorm with your team without alerting your clients.

If your team prefers Private comments, the calendar Owner can enable leaving Private comments by default in the Calendar Settings.

💡 Tip: There is no need to mark comments as Private for draft posts unless you would like to make a comment invisible to them once it's ready for their review since clients do not have access to draft posts nor do they receive notifications for draft posts.

4. Bulk assign your collaborators

If your collaborator has updated their email notification frequency for 'Something has been assigned to you' to weekly or daily digests, then you can bulk assign multiple posts to them once they are ready for review in List View:

⚠️ Note: If your client has not updated their Notification Settings to daily or weekly digest, bulk assigning posts will send a separate email notification per post so we recommend using this method after your collaborators have updated their Notification settings.

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