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Consult completely automates your clinical documentation.

Updated over a week ago

Lyrebird Health has five main pages:

Consult | Dictate | History | Customise | Settings

Consult is the page in Lyrebird that helps to generate your notes so you can focus your time and attention on your patient. Lyrebird listens in the background of your consultation with the patient, converting the conversation into your clinical notes.

Once you stop the recording, you can view your notes and create any letters and assessments you need.

How to start a consult

  1. Input the patient's name and sex (optional).

  2. Click Start listening and declare which type of consult it is.

  3. Ensure the patient provides consents.

Conduct the consult as you normally would, verbalising findings where possible.

What are the different consult types?

There are two consult types in Lyrebird:

  • Initial consult: An initial consult is best for the first time seeing a patient. It will capture more of the patients history, and provide a more detailed recount of the patient encounter.

  • Review consult: A review consult is good for a follow up appointment with a patient. It will assume that you're already familiar with the patients medical history, and focus on progress since the previous consult, and any new presenting problems.

How to stop a consult

After you've finished the consultation with the patient, click Stop listening. Lyrebird will show you the generating screen and it should take less than 1 minute before your notes are shown on the screen.

Approaching consent

  • Patient consent is required for all consults with a patient, We make this easy by providing an information printout that explains how Lyrebird keeps your patient information secure. You can place in the reception of the clinic or in your room for patients to read and feel comfortable that their data is secure.

Example script to obtain patient consent

"Please confirm that you are comfortable with me taking an audio recording of your consultation for the purposes of preparing a note of the consultation, which is reviewed and stored for inclusion in your medical record."

Starting a consult with shortcuts:

Shortcuts are specific keyboard letters that trigger specific actions or commands. Navigate around Lyrebird using shortcuts for quick and efficient use.

Type patients name β†’ tab β†’ F (Female) / M (Male) / N (Neutral) β†’ I (Initial consult) / R (Review consult) β†’ return (confirm consent)

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