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From account settings to managing your orgaisation, there are many modifications you can make to suit your workflow.

Updated over a week ago

Lyrebird Health has five main pages:

Consult | Dictate | History | Customise | Settings

Settings is where you can manage and change certain aspects of your account. Inside settings, there are 4 pages on the vertical toolbar.


Manage the following settings in the "Profile" tab:

Change your name

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Edit your First name or Last name

  • Click "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page

Change your email

Email us at to change your email, or click the link.

Change your Field of Practice

Changing your Field of Practice alters the underlying instructions that Lyrebird is given to write your notes. Each Field of Practice's instruction has been created with professionals from the respective field.

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Select from drop-down box to choose your Field of Practice

  • Click "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page

Change how long Lyrebird should save your documents

By default, this is set to 7 days. After this period, all your documents that have been saved to your Lyrebird history will be deleted off your account, and from our server.

Clinicians tend to extend this period if they want a longer grace period before information is deleted.

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Select from drop-down box to choose how long Lyrebird should save your documents

  • Click "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page

Enable Lyrebird to store your dictation recordings

Storing dictation recordings is useful if you or your admin team want to replay the dictation. This could be done in order to review a dictation, or check your microphone is working as it should. The audio is deleted after the period of time set above.

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Click "Turn on" to enable your dictation recordings. This will reflect with a green "On" textbox next to "Store audio from dictations"

    • Saving your dictations is a great way to allow for your administrative staff to review your dictations

  • Click "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page

Enable shortcuts with your dictation recordings

Audio player shortcuts allow easy navigating of audio recordings.

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Click "Turn on" to enable "Audio player shortcuts"

  • Click "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page

Change your email sending settings within Lyrebird

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Change your "Reply-to" email address by editing your preferred email address

    • The reply-to email address is the designated email where responses to the messages sent via Lyrebird will be directed.

  • Change your "Email footer" by editing the textbox

    • The email footer will be displayed at the bottom of any emails sent via Lyrebird

  • Click "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page


Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) through the "Security" Page. MFA adds a second security layer to your Lyrebird Account. It requires not just a password, but also a code from your Authenticator App.

  • Go to the "Settings" page, then select "Profile".

  • Click the "Turn on MFA" button

  • Follow the steps provided to turn on MFA

  • Verify your Authenticator App by providing the six-digit code


View and download your invoices via the "Invoices" tab in the "Settings" page.

For more information, on "Invoices", click here.


Update your payment method and billing information through the "Subscription" page.

For more information on "Subscription", click here.


Create, add, and manage the clinicians within your organisation through the "Organisation" tab in the "Settings" page.

For more information to go to "Organisation", click here.

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