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Preventing Your AI from joining a meeting
Preventing Your AI from joining a meeting
Reut Shechter avatar
Written by Reut Shechter
Updated over a week ago

Using our Preferences menu, you can ensure your AI Attendee does not join any meeting automatically, or ensure your AI Attendee only joins meetings automatically if you are the meeting host.

  1. Go to timeOS' default new tab / timeOS' web app

  2. Click on the "Preferences" button

  3. Click on "AI Attendee"

  4. Select "I'll add it manually" or "Join only meetings I host".

You can always come back to the Preferences and change them as needed..

You can also prevent your AI Attendee from joining any specific meeting:

  1. Navigate to the "AI Notes" tab on your meeting area and click
    "Don't join this meeting".

  2. Alternatively, you can specify which meeting your AI Attendee should not join via your timeOS calendar.

    Open your timeOS calendar (⌘ + E from any tab if you installed the extension, or simply drag your mouse to the calendar handle on the right side end of your window), and click on the microphone icon. A striked-through microphone icon means your AI is not going invited to the meeting.

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