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Upload media files in bulk via FTP
Upload media files in bulk via FTP

Magnetiq Showroom provides you with a dedicated ftp space to upload high resolution image files

Andrea avatar
Written by Andrea
Updated over a week ago

In Magnetiq every workspace comes together with a dedicated disk space that you can reach via FTP to upload your high resolution showroom images in bulk.

You should have received by our team the unique credentials required to perform this operation. If you do not have them yet, please send us a message.

Image requirements

Images can (and should) be in high resolution to allow your clients have the best experience when zooming your products. However, they must be optimized in terms of weight, so please follow these guidelines.

Size and weight

  • Resolution: any

  • Compression format: JPG

  • Max weight of each image: 3 MB

  • Max. pixel size: 3000 x 4000 px


  • Recommended format: vertical, as in any standard e-commerce

  • Image proportion: any proportion is allowed (Magnetiq scales the lenght and the height is calculated accordingly)

File name:

  • without odd characters (&%$àéç+ ecc.)

  • no spaces in the file name

  • .jpg file type (the file name must contain the extension .jpg)

Prepare the images to upload

On your local computer, collect all the images inside a folder. You can create a sub-folder for each variant, like in the image below (it's not necessary, but it might make for a better organization).

360° interactive product images

360 degree interactive products which rotate are a great way to show all sides and details of the product. Magnetiq can manage this option very easily.

In this case, you should have taken 20, 30 or even 60 pictures (the more pictures you take, the smoother the rotation). Simply, create a sub-folder, like in the image below, and place there all the 360 image files.

The files must be in the correct rotation order, with a naming that always has the same number of digits, like for instance:

  • filename-01.jpg, ..., filename-60.jpg, or in alternative

  • filename-001.jpg, ..., filename-060.jpg

Otherwise, if you have filename-1.jpg, ..., filename-60.jpg, the system won't recognize the right order of the images and the 360° rotation might not work as expected.

Magnetiq will automatically see that there is a sub-folder inside the variant folder, and will use the images inside the sub-folder to create a 360° component.

Download and configure the software

We suggest to use Cyberduck on Mac/Windows or Cross FTP on Windows/Linux machines.

These are the connection parameters (if you chose Cyberduck, you can download this file):

  • Protocol: S3/HTTPS

  • Port: 443

  • Access Key ID: (workspace username)

  • Secret Access Key: (workspace password)

  • Remote path: (magnetiq-media-upload/workspace_name)

Again, if you don't have them yet, ask Magnetiq support to provide you with the FTP settings related to your workspace.

Example configuration with Cyberduck:

Example configuration with CrossFTP:

Upload the image files

Once connected with Cyberduck or CrossFTP, simply copy the folder you have prepared in step 1 into the online space.

Associating images with products data

When the upload is done, you must associate image files to products with a CSV file.

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