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Creating Approval Rules for Purchase Orders

Creating Approval Rules for Purchase Orders

Written by Jamal Rahal
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: For Enterprise Plan only.

NOTE: Only Admins can set Rules/Conditions for Purchase Order approvals.

NOTE: Approval actions can include approving Purchase Orders automatically or assigning them to one person, multiple people, teams, or user roles.

NOTE: Custom fields can be used as Conditions. For example, if Purchase Orders are categorized by department, budget, or use case, custom field values can act as Conditions. However, only “single-select” custom fields can be used in Purchase Order approval workflow.


  1. Go to Settings

  2. Click Features

  3. Click Purchase Orders

  4. Click Set Preferences

  5. Click Approval Rules for Purchase Orders

  6. Under Condition and Action, enter If-Then information

  7. Click Save Rule

    Under Rules Created, New Rule will appear in Rules list

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