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Work Order Templates explained
Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over a week ago

Work Order Templates allow you to create work orders in just a few clicks, with

important information pre-filled. This means you can:

● Create Work Orders faster for routine or common tasks

● Standardize the information that’s collected in a Work Order to improve the

quality of your records

Creating templates

  1. Locate WO Templates in the left-side navigation by clicking TemplatesWork Orders.

  2. Click + New Work Order Template to start creating a template.

  3. Give your template a descriptive title that you can easily recognize.

  4. Select the information you would want to be pre-filled in a WO,


    a. Asset

    b. Location

    c. Procedure

    d. Parts

    e. Category

    Note that you can mark certain fields as Required, Read-Only and


  5. Click the Settings tab at the top to indicate whether your WO is Reactive or Preventive, and update the Due Date logic. If it’s Preventive, you have the option to add a repeating schedule to the template here.

  6. Click Save Template in the top-right corner to save your template.

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