Default document language
We aim to automatically select the language based on the customer's country. If we can't determine it, we use this.
Example โ The country on the customer billing address is Poland, so the app tries to create the document in Polish, but since there is not Polish option in the dropdown list, the app uses the default value, which is German here.
Any text entered here will appear on the document for each item. If left blank, no unit name will be included on the invoice.
Example โ If you enter "pc" here, you will see this unit name in every document item
Description of document
This text will be shown as a description of the document in iDoklad. You can use this merge tag: {{order_number}}
Example: if you write "This order is from XY Webshop, order number: {{order_number}}" this will be the description of your document, shown on your iDoklad dashboard. Additionally, you can use this description when composing the email that is sent to to the customer
Variable symbol
Choose a variable symbol to be included on your documents. It will be shown on the generated document.
Example โ If you choose Order number here, your order number (e.g.: #2134) will be shown on your documents.
Order cancelation
You have the flexibility to decide the outcome when you cancel an order in Shopify.
No canceling or deletion
Create a credit note in iDoklad
Delete the document in iDoklad
OSS forwarding
When turned on, documents for orders in the EU, except from your store's country, will be labeled 'OSS' in iDoklad.
To display the OSS label on your documents, you need to complete the following steps:
Please note that you need to configure your tax settings in Shopify first. There, you can determine if the OSS is the appropriate tax regime for your business.
OSS forwarding is Turned on in Shopify Admin: Log in to Shopify Admin ยป Apps ยป iDoklad | Integration ยป Settings ยป OSS forwarding ยป Turned on
OSS mode is enabled in your iDoklad account: Log in to iDoklad ยป Settings ยป Company ยป Accounting information ยป OSS mode ยป Enable
Your Shopify store's country code in the billing information (Settings ยป Billing information) is different from the country code of the customer's billing address (which corresponds to the delivery address).
Please note that your store's country must match your company's country in iDoklad for proper functionality.
Behavior of the 'Address Line 2' field
The data entered by the buyer in the 'Address Line 2' field during checkout can be transferred to iDoklad as either a VAT ID or Company ID.
After saving it here, to change the label and placeholder of this field from "Address line 2" to VAT/DIC, etc. ยป Follow these instructions
Bank account
You can create and edit your bank accounts in your iDoklad account. If no bank account is selected, no bank account information will be shown on the created document. If you don't see your account in this list, click "Refresh list now" and wait a little.
Your selected bank account will be shown on your created documents.
Comment (Note for you)
This text will be shown in the comment section of your created document as a private note. You can use this merge tag: {{order_number}}
Numbering sequences
By default we use your iDoklad default numbering sequence, but you can override that by choosing another option here. Click 'Refresh list now' button to see the latest list from iDoklad settings
Content parameters not listed above โ that you can't configure on your dashboard โ work like this:
VAT ยป We use Shopify order data and your Shopify VAT settings
Currency ยป We use Shopify order data
Constant symbol ยป We use iDoklad default settings
Discount ยป We use Shopify order data and show that discount on the documents
Due date ยป We use your iDoklad default invoice's due date setting
Shipping fee ยป We use the shipping fee within the Shopify order
Email template ยป You can configure the content within iDoklad
Payment method ยป We aim to automatically select the payment method based on the Shopify order data. If we can't determine it, we use your default payment method in iDoklad