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AIS receiver Dashboard Network config WiFi, Ethernet
Written by Anastassis Touros
Updated over 5 months ago

The dashboard offers a variety of functionalities, with the basic features covered in the "AIS Receiver Dashboard" article. In this article, we will focus on the network configuration in detail. Understanding how to properly configure your network settings is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and connectivity of your AIS receiver. We'll guide you through the steps to manage your network settings, connect to Wi-Fi, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Let's dive into the specifics of network configuration to help you get the most out of your AIS receiver.

Network Settings


Network Settings

Here, you can easily manage how your device connects to your network. If you're using an Ethernet cable, your device will automatically retrieve all necessary information from your local network, so there's usually no need to adjust these settings.

However, if you need to make changes or wish to connect your device to Wi-Fi, this section will guide you through the process. Ensure you have the required knowledge to make these adjustments smoothly and confidently.

For the changes, you have a guide that walks you through the possible modifications. First, you select whether you want to edit Ethernet or WiFi and then click on "Next."

Ethernet - Here, you can choose to obtain an IP address automatically via DHCP or assign a static IP address. If assigning a static IP, you will need the IP address, Gateway, and Netmask. Click "Next" to review the configuration, and then click "Update" to complete the process. For security, consider taking a screenshot of the changes.

The safest option here is to use DHCP, as configuring a static IP can lock you out of the device, making it difficult to reverse the changes. Unless there are compelling reasons to use a static IP, it is best to leave DHCP enabled.


Ethernet Setup Connection

Wi-Fi - Here, you will find a list of Wi-Fi networks (2,4 and 5 GHz) detected by the receiver. You can also check the signal strength and whether the Wi-Fi is secured. If the relevant Wi-Fi shows poor signal strength, check the location of your receiver unit to avoid problems later on.

When you click on your Wi-Fi network, the SSID field and the secured toggle will automatically be filled in the row below, matching the chosen Wi-Fi network. Now, simply enter the Wi-Fi password and click "Next" to proceed to the overview. Confirm the settings with the "Update" button to establish the connection to the chosen network. You can easily check the status on the left side under "Connections."

If no connection is established, restart the process and double-check the entries. It's possible that the password was entered incorrectly.

When using Wi-Fi, we recommend keeping the DHCP setting rather than assigning a static IP address, as experience has shown that using DHCP helps prevent potential issues.


WiFi Setup Connection

Connections - You can always refer to the Connections overview to monitor the connection status. Is the Wi-Fi connected, and what is the signal strength? If you're currently connected to a Wi-Fi network but wish to switch to another one, you can do so by using the circular arrow icon to reset the connection.


Overview Connections, Signal Strength, Reset WiFi


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