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Troubleshooting Sales Without a Source
Troubleshooting Sales Without a Source

Use this guide to find out why sales are not being tracked back to a source.

Jack Rosenthal avatar
Written by Jack Rosenthal
Updated over a week ago

The Steps To Fixing No Source Tracking

Watch me execute the steps below in this video.

Realize There May Not Be A Problem

Sometimes you may just have a lot of traffic coming from Google searches or untracked sources. Your ad and sources may be tracking perfectly.

Investigate the referral URLS and Click History Of Your No Sources

When you load up a report on the REPORT BOARD you can view the information of your NO SOURCE customer.

Load up DEEP MODE and click on the customers emails to view their journey and click history. There are a few things you should look for that are the “usual” cause of failed tracking.

Deep mode can be loaded up by clicked the graph icon under the details or sales column when you load up a report.

Issue #1 : Ad traffic WITHOUT your HYROS URL parameters

One of the most common mistakes made is not placing URL parameters on ALL ads. When you are going through your click history look for:

-Ads WITH FBCLID or GCLID in the URL but no HYROS URL parameters (FBC_ID or GC_ID).

-Ads with UTMs that you’ve set up WITHOUT HYROS URL parameters (FBC_ID or GC_ID).

All Google and Facebook traffic gets FBCLID or GCLID added to the URL as a parameter. You may have already added your own UTMs to ads. Seeing traffic with either of these WITHOUT or HYROS AD PARAMETERS is a dead giveaway that you missed some ads on set-up.

Issue #2 : Ad traffic WITH HYROS AD PARAMETERS that is marked no source

If you see traffic coming in with our ad parameters in the URL BUT are being marked as no source you have likely not integrated with Facebook or Adwords correctly.

Follow the integration directions below and make sure

For Facebook:

-You have access to all the Facebook ad accounts for the business.

-You have admin access to all ad accounts.

For Google:

-You are connected to the actual ad accounts and NOT an MCC account. You need to connect to the ad account itself.

-You have added all ad accounts for the business in HYROS.

Make sure of these things and follow these guides.

Issue #3 : Detect Untracked Traffic Source

When looking at the user's click history look at their referral URL and previous URLs.

These will usually give indicators of where the user is coming from ESPECIALLY.

For example, you may see or recognize sites like:


-Blog posts.

-Other pages on your sites you may not have tracked.

-Links from other ad platforms (AKA not Facebook or Adwords).

-Traffic from your emails (these will usually have distinctive parameters added by your autoresponder).

When you do investigate these sources and created tracking for them. These are usually organic sources. Follow the guides below to track these “no sources” if this is the case.

If you can not set up tracking using the above guides, for example, if traffic is coming from a site not owned by you or that you do not have control over, then you can track using this guide:

Issue #3.1 : Detect Untracked Funnels

If you see NEW sales (not recurring sales) coming in with absolutely no click history they must be coming from a route you have not tracked. These can be:

-A funnel you have absolutely no tracking on.

-Checkouts you have no tracking on.

-Other sites you may have that you have no tracking on.

-Sales team members inputting the Sale with the incorrect email. (See HERE).

The best way to fix these NO SOURCE customers is to look at what the product being sold is and ask yourself.

-What funnel sells this.

-How would this product get sold.

-How do people get to this product.

Then go and investigate the ads, pages, funnels and sites related to these products. Once you find the source, identify the type of funnel it is from the list below and follow the initial set up guide to track it.

If you do not see any of these issues tag your onboarding manager.

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