The Title Readability section encourages sellers to write clear, concise, and readable titles by using metrics like the Flesch Kincaid grade level (aiming for that 4th grade reading level), sentiment (looking for those positive vibes), and title length. And bonus...because the number of mobile shoppers on Etsy continues to grow (well over half of sales), the title readability section also shows you at a glance how your title will look on Etsy's Apple mobile app. This helps to ensure that mobile shoppers are seeing a title that makes sense.
Your title should cover your most important keywords (focus keywords), basics like materials, and recipient. Keep it concise to be found both in search AND grab shopper interest.ย
Pro Tip: Remember that hovering over the question mark with the circle around it at the end of each metric is going to give you a little more detail about each metric.
Still have questions about the title readability section? Reach out to us at