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Updated over 7 months ago

Has your foodie feline began rejecting their meals?

Have they started to play hide-and-seek with you, without the intention of being sought?

Signs of stress?

  • Changes in appetite and behaviour

  • Over-grooming

  • Improper bathroom

  • Territorial spraying

Even in their pampurrred lives, subtle changes can trigger stress for your cat. Something as small as furniture rearrangement obstructing their favourite hiding spot might be a stressor. If you notice these signs, we're here to help ease their anxiety.

Changing food:

New food in your cat’s bowl can stir up quite a fuss. Cats crave consistency in their meals—same food, same time, same place. They’re use to what they like and they like what they’re use to.

Be patient and introduce changes gradually. Mix the new food into their current diet bit by bit until they adjust. Check out our detailed guide for help.

When your schedule conflicts with your cat's feeding times, an automatic feeder can be a lifesaver. If that's not possible, gradually adjust their feeding time to minimise disruption.

Change of Environment:

Moving your cat's feeding spot, especially during a home relocation, can be challenging. Cats may struggle to adjust to new spaces, affecting their mealtime comfort. Start with a gradual transition in one room to help them get used to to new scents and surroundings.

Small changes, like relocating the food bowl next to their water bowl or by a window, can greatly impact their stress responses. Placing food and water bowls too close together may make them cautious due to their fear of contaminated food. Moving their bowl from busy and unclean areas can ease stress and promote peaceful meals.

Introducing a New Sibling:

Competition over food can stress cats out, especially with a new addition to the family. Cats may avoid direct confrontation, making behaviour changes less noticeable. If you see cats avoiding the same spaces, it may signal discomfort. Creating safe havens in their preferred spots for each cat can help. Try relocating bowls and toys to these areas for a comforting sanctuary.

If a change in your cat's environment or perhaps a charming new addition to the family has decided to throw a spanner in the works of their appetite, Marro can support you in maintaining their weight with our finely tuned portion sizes. Should your cat require a tad of assistance with their, how should I put this, expanding waistline, or perhaps needs to put on a bit of weight, Marro is at your service! We offer high-quality, delicious and nutritious balanced meals brimming with protein, all portioned to suit your cat’s unique requirements.

To read more about how we help maintain your cat's weight visit our help article here.

Health Issues:

Cats' prey instincts often mask signs of sickness—they've evolved to hide vulnerability from predators. This concealment can stress your cat and symptoms may appear differently, like withdrawal, low energy, poor coat condition, or loss of appetite. If your cat seems stressed, consult your vet to rule out potential illnesses.


Using pheromones such as Feliway can effectively reduce stress levels. You can purchase sprays or plug-in diffusers and strategically position them around the house. Feliway, specifically formulated for cats, mimics the natural pheromones released by a mother cat to calm her kittens. It is beneficial in cases of feline anxiety as it helps your cat feel more at ease and secure in their home.

Cats, Stress and Health can often be intertwined so its always best to seek veterinary care if you suspect anything out of character.

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