The Class Offset feature allows you to backdate the start date of a student’s current rank and/or add classes to offset their Grading Eligibility.
To backdate a student’s current rank:
1. Go to their profile and click on the Style you want to backdate the start date for under Styles & Ranks.
2. Click on the date field to bring up the calendar.
3. Select the new date. A tick will appear in the box to confirm the date has been changed.
To add a class offset to a students current rank:
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from the instructions above and click on the box next to where it says Class Offset.
2. Type in the number of classes you want to add. A tick will appear in the box to confirm the offset has been applied.
Looking to record backdated attendance to a student’s profile? Check out our How To: Add backdated Attendance guide.