Not keen on reading? Watch this 1-min video on editing categories.
1. Go to your project
2. Click on the GEAR ICON to the right of "scope of work"
3. Click on Edit Categories
4. To move an existing category in the list
Drag the category using the dotted handle on the left.
5. To add a new category, click on "+ ADD CATEGORY"
Note that you cannot edit a category once created. Instead, you can create a new category with the desired name and move items into it, then delete the original category.
6. To add a default category, locate it on the list and select
This will add it to your scope of work
7. To add a custom category, click on "+ ADD CATEGORY"
8. Then scroll to the bottom of the list and click on "+ CUSTOM"
9. Type the name of the custom category
10. Click on "ADD"
11. Last, click on "SAVE" to save and exit