1. To create an invoice, click on "Finances"
2. Click on "Billing"
3. Click on "New"
4. Click on "Invoice"
5. Click on "Add invoice items"
6. Click on "Project scope"
You can also select hours logged in Materio, expenses, or any other costs you'd like to add to the invoice
7. Click on "Selected" to only see all selected items
At this point you can filter your scope making it easy to find what items you're looking for
8. Now select the items you'd like to add to the invoice
9. Click on "Next"
10.if you don't need to bill for the full amount yet, you have the option to select a percentage of the total cost of these items
In this example we've chosen to bill for 50% of the total amount of these items
11. Click on "Add to invoice"
12. Choose a due date for the invoice
13. And add a title and a memo to the invoice
14. Now you can select the method of payments accepted
You can choose whether the client or you cover the fees associated with the transaction
15. Click on "Send" to send the invoice
16. If you've received payment on the invoice, go back into the invoice
17. Click on "Apply payment"
18. Click on "New payment received"
19. Select how you were paid
In this example we've been paid by ACH
20. Type the reference number or any additional memos
21. Check "Send payment confirmation" to notify the client you've received payment on the invoice
22. Click on "Save payment"
23. As you create invoices and receive payments, you can keep track of invoicing progress in the "invoicing progress" section
Have questions? Chat with us from your project dashboard or email us at hello@materio.co