Materio can sync payments you make to vendors into QuickBooks Online as QuickBooks Bill Payments, ensuring your books are always accurate and up-to-date.
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On the QuickBooks Page, make sure you are connected to QuickBooks Online.
Click "Manage purchasing methods" and select the accounts and cards your firm uses for purchasing.
Next, toggle the "Sync payments to vendors (bill payments)" switch to the ON position.
That's it! All future payments to vendors in Materio will be copied into QuickBooks as bill payments.
Important: Click "Manage purchasing methods" and set it up before syncing bill payments! This will let you record which debit card, credit card, checking account, etc., was used for each payment. QuickBooks will only accept bill payments that include this information, so the sync cannot start for a bill payment until you've chosen a payment account for it in Materio. It is important to choose the correct payment account in for each payment in Materio so that each bill payment can be automatically matched to your QuickBooks Online credit card and bank feeds.
Tip: In order to sync payments to vendors (bill payments), you must also be syncing vendor invoices (bills). If the "Sync payments to vendors (bill payments)" switch is disabled, try first toggling on the "Sync vendor invoices (bills)" switch.
How Payment to Vendors (Bill Payment) Syncing Works
QuickBooks bill payment syncing is part of the Materio Purchase Order tracking feature.
The QuickBooks bill payment will only start syncing once you have attached a vendor invoice to your Materio purchase order, and clicked the "Confirm" button in Materio, and recorded a payment on the Materio purchase order. If you record a payment on the purchase order early on, the payment will wait to sync until all those conditions have been met.
The new QuickBooks bill payment will be linked to its corresponding QuickBooks bill when it syncs. The bill's status will automatically update in QuickBooks (for instance, to "Paid", if the payment causes the bill to be fully paid).
The sync includes the following information on each QuickBooks bill payment
Payment reference number (up to 21 characters)
Payment amount
Transaction fee amount (if applicable)
Payment date
Payment account
Link to the corresponding bill
File attachment of payment receipt
Payment memo (up to 4,000 characters)
By default, Materio syncs only new and updated payments to vendors (bill payments) into QuickBooks. Though older payments that predate your connection to QuickBooks will not automatically sync, you can always click the "Sync now" button on the Materio purchase order to sync those older records to QuickBooks as needed.
This is a one-way sync from Materio into QuickBooks. Make all edits to purchase order payments in Materio and let the updates automatically sync to QuickBooks. If you edit a synced bill payment directly in QuickBooks, your changes may be overwritten the next time Materio syncs.
If bill payments are not syncing as expected, first check that the "Sync payments to vendors (bill payments)" switch is toggled on in your Materio QuickBooks settings.
If a specific bill payment is not syncing, check that:
You've attached a vendor invoice file to the Materio purchase order
You've clicked "Confirm" on the Materio purchase order
You've selected a payment account for the purchase order payment in Materio. (Payments can only sync to QuickBooks once the payment account has been selected).