Open any browser and go to
You can also reach this page from our website
To create a new account, click Sign up here.
If you do not want to create an account with your Microsoft, or Google account, choose 🔑Username and password.
If you do want to create an account with your Microsoft or Google account, click here, and we will explain how to do this!
Choose Teacher.
Now enter:
- First name
- Last name
- Username
- Email - this has to be unique. If you have previously created an account with your
email, you cannot create another account with the same one. If this is the
case, please go back to and click "Forgot password". You can reset
your password or reach out to us in the chat, and we will help you.
- Password - must be 6 characters
In the last step, choose the school you work at.
If you are on an iPad, go to the App Store, download Magma Math, and repeat these same steps.
You will be logged into your account when you have read and checked our user agreement. This means you have succeeded in creating a teacher account! Yay! 🎉