Call 211
Call 211 to get started and enroll today! DCMP Enrollment from the Mainland - (808) ASK-2000
Eligibility Screeners Outreach
Eligibility Screeners from Catholic Charities of Hawai‘i reach out to survivors who called 211 to enroll in the DCMP
Outreach Care Navigators (OCNs)
Outreach Care Navigators (OCNs) from Pacific Gateway Center, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Global Empowerment Mission, and Aloha House are assigned to clients. OCNs obtain documentation to support DCMP verification and work with clients until your Disaster Case Manager (DCM) is assigned.
Disaster Case Managers (DCMs)
Disaster Case Managers (DCMs) from Catholic Charities of Hawai‘i, Aloha House, Family Promise of Hawai‘i, Family Life Center, and Pacific Gateway Center will be contacting you to ensure your continum of care, address current unmet needs, and begin working on your recovery plan.
Match the Services & Recovery
Both OCNs and DCMs work collaboratively to connect survivors with direct resources specific to the survivor's reported disaster related unmet needs. The DCMP works with the survivor to complete a recovery plan and help cultivate resiliency for their future.
211, Screeners Outreach Care Navigators (OCNs), and Disaster Case Managers (DCMs) are tethered together to provide trauma informed case management, support, and assist in a survivor's recovery plan. Communication and information management are vital to the integrity of what they do.
The DCMP & Local Community Based Organizations