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Lahaina Homeowners meeting on July 25, 2024
Lahaina Homeowners meeting on July 25, 2024
Updated over a week ago

Infrastructure unanswered questions from Homeowners Webinar

Temporary Structures

Q. Aloha, I was informed I can get a permit to park a camper van on my property during the building process how do I get a permit and what type of vehicle is allowed?

  • Temporary structures permit; please refer to for more information.

Q. Do mobile homes need temporary structure permit?

  • Yes.

Q. Are temporary structures allowed outside of Lahaina?

  • Yes.

Planning Department

Q. If you are in the SMA area, but not on oceanfront, are there any restrictions other than planning code?

  • If you are in the SMA area, you are subject to the SMA rules. How those rules are applied depends on the project.

Q. Will the county be enforcing SMA permits on people?

  • The SMA rules will apply in the SMA zone. The applicability of the SMA rules will depend on the project being proposed.

Q. What code compliance is required?

  • Codes will be followed for the permanent rebuild in order to protect health, safety and general welfare. Many departments have codes that will apply in the rebuild including Public Works, Planning and Fire. The nature of the project will determine which codes will apply.

Q. Is the setback being enforced and if so what is the setback? 125 foot? All of Front St. or just the historical district?

  • We cannot answer this question without more information about the property in question and

which setback is being asked about as there are multiple types of setbacks.

Q. What if I don’t have a computer, is there an SMA application I can print out?

  • Contact the Current Division of the Department of Planning 808-270-8205 and they will be able to help you.

CNHA/Kakoʻo Maui Pre-Development Grant

Q. "Uninhabitable" was mentioned...who makes that determination? What are the "qualifiers" that will deems one’s property/dwelling "uninhabitable”?

  • Any home deemed uninhabitable by HI-EMA and/or Insurance.

Q. For the financial literacy course requirement, are there a list of organizations that offer these courses or what kind of certification does the organization need to have? Are there any online options you may know of?

  • CNHA offers in-person courses and virtual one-on-ones (on an as need basis), Maui Economic Opportunity, Hawaiian Community Assets/Lending, and most banks/mortgage. Any course where the organization has a HUD certified counselor is eligible.

Q. What steps can you provide for a survivor who discovers that the home they have been living in (maybe inherited) is not in their name. Their name is not on the deed. If not on deed, are they not able to move forward in funding or any building?

  • They must be named or have legal documents proving they have acquired the property and/or permission to build from the property owner. Potentially connecting with PONO Legal/Native Hawaiian Legal Corp/LASH to assist with providing proof of ownership/deed.

Q. Can Maui Fire victims/homeowners get a rental discount on portable toilets and water tank trucks once home construction begins? Discount on water filter tank installation?

  • The Pre-Development Grant is to be used to prep the site for building. CNHA does not have

access to portable toilets and water tank trucks to offer discounts on them.


Q. Where do we apply for building permits?

  • To apply for building permits within the burn area, contact the Recovery Permit Center at (808) 270-5724.

Q. What steps can you provide for a survivor who discovers that the home they have been living in (maybe inherited) is not in their name. their name is not on the deed. If not on deed, are they not able to move forward in funding or any building? (Jordan, will also ask CNHA)

  • Please contact HCL or CNHA to see what guidance they can offer. Applicants need to be the owner or have authorization from the owner.

Q. Once gravel stones cover the entire homeowners' property, can a homeowner erect fencing or stone/brick wall before getting a building permit?

  • Yes, provided that the wall does not trigger the need for a permit.


Q. Who is responsible to pay for the water meter to be replaced? The homeowner?

  • It is free of cost if the property had a meter before the fire. Any existing meters that have been damaged will be replaced by the Department of Water Supply with no cost to the owner.

Q. Timeline for Wahikuli sewer plans and completion?

  • Timeline for construction completion is TBD.

Q. On South of Lahainaluna close to Puamana, are water and electric power ready?

  • There is water at Puamana, but the water is under the Unsafe Water Advisory. DWS expects to amend the Unsafe Water Advisory by the second or third week of August back to Drinking Water Standards. For questions on electricity, please contact HECO.

Q. We're in zone 4B and have no permits in place. Want to put a structure on our cleared lot. Will apply for permits as can. Is there a timeline for water, sewer, electric? We want to reclaim our property.

  • Drinking Water: DWS expects to amend the Unsafe Water Advisory by the second or third week of August back to Drinking Water Standards.

Electricity: For questions on electricity, contact HECO.

Sewer: While the schedule is still pending, the goal is to restore service to all the lots in Area 4B by the end of the year.

Q. So, if the building permit is approved, can we start rebuilding already, as I understand that that the water and sewer is done. My property is located at Pauwala Place.

  • Yes, you can build as soon as you have a permit.

Q. Is a building permit (electrical, plumbing) and inspections required?

  • Yes.

Q. Can homeowners on cesspools reconnect to their cesspool temporarily until sewer infrastructure is available in their area?

  • Yes, however the cesspool must be deemed structurally safe. The EPA is offering cesspool inspections free of charge to homeowners in the Wahikuli Houselots Subdivision. Visit for more information.


Q. Homeowner properties parallel to railroad tracks area have very dry overgrown weeds, litter, etc. Is the County or state responsible to clear that area? What is the cellphone/text & email contact number to clear area?

  • Every property owner with land adjacent to a County street must consistently maintain and keep clean the sidewalk or shoulder areas next to their property, ensuring they are passable and free from weeds and harmful growths. Typically, property owners are required to maintain a clearance of 3 to 5 feet from the edge of the road to the property line, depending on whether a concrete sidewalk is present. This requirement is intended to ensure safe passage for pedestrians along the road. You may find the County of Maui Ordinance at

Q. How long does it take after our soil is tested and found contaminated to have soil removed and turned back to the county?

  • USACE: There is no fixed answer to that question. Once we remove debris and sample the soil, it takes about 10-14 days to get the results. We only re-scrape soil from sections of the lot where the samples fail our tests. Failure rates are less than 20%. The re-scrape process is NET 14 days after a sample is taken but not normally longer than 30 days. It depends on how many are in the queue. We have a team dedicated to re-scraping lots. Once we conduct the re-scrape, we put the lot on the erosion control list. That process can take anywhere from 3-21 days. Again, it depends on how many lots are in the queue. Usually, we place the gravel in piles on the lot and then return with equipment to spread it within a few days. We usually have three erosion control teams working every Sunday to keep the backlog to a minimum. As of late July, we have about 200 properties that have had debris removed and are somewhere in the process of soil sampling, re-scraping, erosion control, and final paperwork submission.

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