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Community Meeting for August 21, 2024
Community Meeting for August 21, 2024
Updated over a week ago

Lahaina Community Weekly Disaster Recovery Meeting

Questions and Answers

August 21, 2024

  1. What is the plan for patrols or other security measures to address concerns of property theft and vandalism now that checkpoints are being removed?

    MEMA, the Mayor's office, and the Managing Director's office are exploring funding options to help address these community’s concerns regarding safety.

  2. Why do Puamana residents need to obtain one permit for the entire area, which consists of agricultural and historical zones, instead of being able to obtain permits for individual properties?
    Planning Director Kate, Blystone, commented that the county is addressing the issue but has not found a solution yet. Puamana requires a major permit, and the county is exploring alternatives to the major permit requirement.

  3. What is the process for connecting my water and waste water service laterals to my property?
    Managing Director Josiah Nishita responded that every property has specific needs, so planning workshops may be useful for residents along Fleming Road.

  4. What is the state is doing to help the residents who will be losing their rental assistance and insurance coverage?
    The FEMA assistance program is set to end in February 2025. However, the state can request an extension, which FEMA would consider. Residents can apply for FEMA rental assistance if their insurance runs out.

  5. The leaseback program is paying whether insurance is paying for properties of 5,000 to 7,000 for units. However, the FEMA assistance program only covers $3,000. How will this be reconciled?
    The FEMA Rental Assistance Program, it's at 100% fair market rate for the first two months, and then beyond that, at the next continued temporary housing assistance, which is continued rental assistance, FEMA may pay more than 100% of the HUD fair market rate. There may be a gap on rent, and FEMA encourages residents to reach out to other sources via the Maui Recovers website.

  6. Representative Elle Cochran asked about the renewable energy projects being coordinated through NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and how she can get involved in those discussions.

    NREL operates separately from the state and will be at the next community meeting to provide more information.

  7. What is the process of reinstalling a removed shared water line?
    County representatives will need information regarding the lot number and will follow up directly with property owners.

  8. Will there be one-to-one meetings for shoreline property owners, and how can they sign up? What latitude do they have to discuss variances? Will there be variances for setbacks?
    Yes. Sign-ups will be on the Maui Recovers website next week. Meetings will allow property owners to discuss their specific situations and the variance process, but variances are not guaranteed. However, residents are encouraged to bring their plans for the future and TMK maps for the conversation.

  9. Will the 29 sewer hookups in their area be connected to the Wahikuli Terrace pump station, and will that station be able to handle the additional capacity? Will the park be turned back over to the community?
    There was a bid protest involving some of the sewer improvement projects, which was resolved, and the county is working with the EPA on long-term sewer infrastructure upgrades for the Wahikuli area to accommodate the increased flows. Regarding the park, any infrastructure on the property will be replaced. It is a work in process, but we are hoping to give these areas back to the community soon.

  10. Are there any updates on the opening of Lahainaluna Road for school evacuation routes?
    There are no updates at this time. The county is awaiting an assessment regarding the integrity of the smokestack.

  11. When will Liloa Street be fully open? Currently, it is still in a one-way configuration.

    This is currently being discussed with the Department of Defense. The county will follow up on the status of the traffic plan.

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