First, choose the type of rule you want to create.
Expense rules are split into two types
1) At Cost, where one entity has incurred a cost, some or all of which is for the benefit of another group entity
2) Cost plus, where costs are recharged to other group entities with a percentage markup - for this type of recharge rule you will have additional steps to specify what percentage markup to add to the recharge, and assign the revenue to a designated account code.
There are also Percentage of Revenue rules, where a proportion of one entity’s revenue will be recharged to another entity.
Next, tell us exactly how we can find the transactions that you want to recharge, using any combination of:
- Account code
- Tracking category
- Contact
- Line item description
- Reference
And finally, which entities will be recharged? We want to know which account codes to post the recharge to, and how to distribute the recharges. Here, you can use custom apportionments on a rule-by-rule basis, or use set apportionments which we will cover in the next section.
Continue to Step 3: Setting Up Apportionments