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Re-calculating recharges after they have been posted
Re-calculating recharges after they have been posted
Written by Jack Thiel
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you may have a need to "Re-calculate" (or update) a recharge after it has been posted.

Why would you need to "Re-calculate" a recharge?

This can be for a number of reasons including:

  • A transaction has come into Xero late, and you need to update your recharge posting to capture it

    • Note: Mayday has notifications that will advise if/where we identify late transactions that would impact your calculations. That way you know when to check and recalculate.

  • You run your recharges on a weekly/fortnightly basis, and so after each week/fortnight you post your recharges and then come back into Mayday and recalculate these to update for the remaining weeks/fortnights in the given month.

How to do it?

  1. Go into the existing recharge posting in Mayday (see screenshot above)

  2. Find the "Re-calculate" button (underlined in red in screenshot above)

  3. Follow the usual recharge process (i.e. review transactions and post)

  4. All done βœ…

Does Mayday duplicate the original posting? If not, how does it work?

Mayday updates the original posting. So there is no chance of a duplicate.

Special note if you're updating an invoice/bill posting

If you're updating an invoice/bill posting from Mayday Recharger and the initial invoice/bill that Mayday created through Recharger has now been marked as paid in Xero (i.e. you've reconciled a payment against it). You will first need to remove the payment from the invoice/bill in Xero in order for us to update the invoice/bill.


Xero will not allow us to update an invoice/bill that has a payment assigned to it.

What if I have already "Marked it as Final"?

You may notice the "Mark as Final" option on your postings in Recharger (underlined in red in screenshot below).

"Marked as Final" is important as it will lock in the "Rules" and "Apportionment" methods that have been applied for a given month.

This allows users to go back to a historic month and "Re-calculate" the recharges, whilst applying the historic "Rules" and "Apportionment" methods. Without this, there is a risk that a user could recalculate an old month, and end up with completely different recharges if they've changed the underlying rules and apportionments.

So, you can "Re-calculate" a month even if it is marked as final. Just note that it will apply the same rules and apportionment methods that you created originally.

Want to recalculate with new rules?

If you wish to recalculate a recharge posting, and apply all brand new rules and/or apportionment method (i.e. you realised you forgot a rule which you have now created).

You will want to first delete the relevant invoice/bill from Xero, then come into Mayday and delete the recharge calculation altogether. You can do this from the Calculations screen.

Then re-create it as though you were starting from scratch.

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