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Should I pop pimples?
Dr. Harth avatar
Written by Dr. Harth
Updated over 6 years ago

We have all felt that urge to start immediately squeezing a pimple as soon as it appears! As tempting as it may be, popping pimples is generally not a good idea as it spreads the bacteria and infection to other parts of your face, ultimately causing more breakouts (definitely not what we want!). 

Not only can it make matters worse, it also increases the risk of the pimples leaving behind dark marks that take months to fade, or worse, life-long scars (if you do already have acne scars, here is some info on how to treat them!). That being said, not all pimples are created equal, and some are safer to pop than others.

There are 2 main types of inflamed pimples. Pimples with a yellow or white head filled with pus (also known as "pustules") and pimples without a yellow or white head filled with pus (called "papules"). Recognizing the type of pimple will help you distinguish whether or not it's "safe" to pop.

  1. Pimples WITH a yellow or white head filled with pus (pustules): The only time you should pop a pimple is when it shows a "head" (i.e. a white or yellow spot in the center).

  2. Pimples WITHOUT a yellow or white head filled with pus (papules): If the pimple does not have a yellow or white head filled with pus - do NOT try to pop it. 

So how do you pop a pimple when it's ready? Here some helpful tips:

  1. Wash your hands well with soap.

  2. Use a sterile needle. Alternatively, sterilize a fine sewing needle or a straight pin with a match or a lighter and allow it to cool. 

  3. Wipe the pimple with a bit of rubbing alcohol.

  4. Hold the needle parallel to the surface of your skin and pierce the tip of the pimple's yellow/white center. 

  5. Use a clean cotton swab and gently press it around the pimple. 

  6. Be gentle, if the contents don't come out easily, don't force it! 

  7. Apply a bit of your MDacne night cream to the popped pimple.

What do you do when you can't pop a pimple?

A good way to calm down a single big, painful pimple, is with an ice cube wrapped with a clean towel. Apply it to this the pimple for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. 

At the end of these 5 minutes, apply a small amount of your night cream or Polysporin or Neosporin (a topical antibiotic ointment that you buy on every drug store without a prescription). 

Another option: The MDacne Master Pimple Patches helps heal pimples in as little as 6 hours! These revolutionary hydrocolloid patches work like a sponge to absorb oil and pus from clogged pores. They keep blemishes moist to promote faster healing while reducing skin irritation and protect from further infection, damage, and scarring. Apply them for 3-4 consecutive nights until the pimple turns white and decreases in size!

For more info and tips on how to treat your acne, check out the "Acne Help" section in the MDacne blog!

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