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How To Set Up a Snapchat App

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Thomas Kramer avatar
Written by Thomas Kramer
Updated over 7 months ago

This process should take about 5 to 10 minutes! There are a few steps, but don't worry, we'll walk you through each one. If you need assistance, feel free to reach out in the support chat, or via and we'll be happy to help!

Sign into Snapchat Developers portal

Head to In the top right, select Log In -> Developer Portal. After logging in, ensure you’re in the correct organization.

Create a Snapchat application

On the main organization screen, please select “New Snap Kit App”.

You will be prompted for a name. This name is for internal use only and will not appear anywhere in public. Fill in any name desired and select Create App.

On the next screen, scroll down until you see Login Kit. Set the toggle to the right of Login Kit to on. A section will unfold, as seen above. Please make sure Display Name and Story Studio API checkboxes are both ticked.

In the same section, please fill in under Redirect URIs for OAuth. Make sure to press Add URI when you’re done!

A correctly filled Login Kit section looks like this:

Scroll back up. Near the top of the page, locate the following section. Click on Generate.

A warning message will appear. Continue through by clicking Add.

A box with confidential information will appear. WRITE DOWN BOTH OF THESE VALUES SECURELY (e.g. password manager).

WARNING: this is the one and only time Snapchat will show the client secret.

Make sure you have a copy before continuing.

Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and paste into the Snapchat App setup fields in your Measure Studio account, under Settings > Social App. Click Connect your Snapchat App

Back in Snapchat, after generating the confidential ID and secret, click on Setup.

Scroll down to Demo Users. Add the Snapchat username of the person that will be authenticating each Snapchat show on Measure Studio.

Note: You MUST add a demo user.

Important note: Please make sure the Snapchat user added here is a Business Admin on each Snapchat show that will be added to Measure Studio.

After this is completed, login to Measure Studio, click on the menu drop down from your name in the upper right corner and go to Manage Social Accounts > Add Account.

Under the Platform list, click on Sign in with Snapchat, and sign into the Snapchat account that was added as a Demo User in the step above.

Complete the sign in process and add the Snapchat shows that should be added to Measure Studio.

You're done! Your Snapchat data will start populating immediately. All charts will be available in 48 hours when we have at least 2 days of data.

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