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How to Import YouTube Data
How to Import YouTube Data

Use Measure Studio to import and benchmark metrics unavailable in YouTube's APIs.

Thomas Kramer avatar
Written by Thomas Kramer
Updated over a year ago

Measure Studio allows you to import some metrics as downloaded from YouTube Creator Studio's analytics.

This is great for aggregating and benchmarking metrics that are not available in YouTube's own APIs, such as Impressions, Thumbnail Clickthrough Rate, and others.

To get started, navigate to YouTube's Creator Studio here:

Make sure you're logged into a channel that is connected to Measure Studio.

Next, click the "Analytics" tab, on the far left menu, then the "Advanced Mode" button on the top right.

Next, select the "Lifetime" date period on the top right. Then, select the "Views by: Content" dropdown above the chart on the left.

From the "Views by: Content" dropdown, hover on "More metrics". From here, you may select any metric under the "Reach" column.

PLEASE NOTE: You must select date periods 90 days or less for some metrics, including Unique viewers, Average views per viewer, New viewers, and Returning viewers. "Lifetime" date periods may be longer than 90 days.

Once you've picked your metric, if you would like video-level data, you may pick up to 12 videos at a time using the colored checkboxes below.

Once done, click the "Export current view" button on the top right. It looks like an arrow pointing down. Pick the "Comma-separated values (.csv) option.

Your data is downloaded! Now all you have to do is import it into Measure Studio.

Navigate to the Import Reports page here:

Next, click the "Import Data" button on the top right". IMPORTANT: Select the .zip file as downloaded from YouTube.

Your file should process immediately! Soon you'll see your imported data on individual YouTube videos with benchmarks. Congrats, you're done! πŸŽ‰

PLEASE NOTE - Data may have limited availability based on the time period selected.

2018.01.01 forward

  • Impressions

  • Impressions Click-through Rate

2022.10.09 forward:

  • Shown in feed

  • Viewed (vs swiped away)

2017.08.01 forward, 90 days or less date periods only

  • Unique viewers

  • Average views per viewer

2021.04.21, 90 days or less date periods only

  • New Viewers

  • Returning Viewers

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