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Google Sheets

How to fetch data entered into a Google Sheets document

Aydin Ismailov avatar
Written by Aydin Ismailov
Updated over a week ago

This step-by-step guide will show you how to set up and manage a Google Sheets Integration.

Basic Requirements

In order to successfully integrate Google Sheets with Mediatool, you must have access to a Google account and the Sheet you want to integrate.

Important Considerations

We recommend referring back to this section after reviewing the step-by-step guide below.

Formatting within Google Sheets:

  • All text fields must be formatted as Plain Text

  • All number fields must be formatted as a Number with no commas

  • All date fields must be formatted as Plain Text and be written as YYYY-MM-DD, with the dashes

  • If only one date field is present, the entry is assumed to start and end within that same date

  • The first row in your sheet must be the column header

  • The row immediately under the column header cannot be blank. If it is blank, the column header will not display as an option for Measures or Splits in the integration settings

Other considerations:

  • Only rows that contain a date that is the same as, or more recent than, the historic date that you've set in Mediatool's integration settings will be fetched

  • You cannot fetch future dates

  • If you'd like to limit the range of rows that is being fetched from Google Sheets; click on the gear symbol of the selected sheet and then determine the range by row number

  • Edits made in Google Sheets to line items, that have been previously fetched, will not be made to those same entries in Mediatool. Only new entries to the Google Sheet, since the last fetch, will be added to Mediatool with each fetch (once every 24 hours)

  • If you have made edits within Google Sheets to previously fetched line items and would like to re-fetch the data, re-save the connection

Step 1: Authorize and Select Sheet

The first step in the setup process is to allow Google to share data with your Mediatool account.

  1. log-in to your Mediatool account

  2. navigate to the Settings section of whichever organization, or subsidiary, that you would like to integrate

  3. under the section titled External Data, click on Integrations

  4. click on the button titled Manage or Add under the Google Sheets option

From there you'll be redirected to Google and asked to allow Mediatool access to your Google account and related insights. The response you select must be Yes in order for the integration to work.

After completion, you'll be redirected to Mediatool and asked to choose a Google Sheet to integrate.

Step 2: Configure Setup

Choose a Date you want to start fetching your data from. New data entered into the Google Sheet that is the same as, or more recent than, the one you set will be automatically fetched every 24 hours between 01:00 and 03:00 GMT.

Set Measures. Measures are quantitative metrics that you want to measure. The value of any metric will be displayed as a number.

Set Splits. Splits are the dimensions that each of your chosen Measures will then be categorized. A Split will be displayed as a separate text column header for each measure.

For both Measures and Splits, you will have to enter two inputs in the Mediatool Settings.

First, the Measure or Split, as is defined in the Google Sheet.

  • The options that populate in the dropdown are limited to those supported by Google.

  • If your desired measure or split is not displaying as an option in this dropdown, it is formatted incorrectly in Google Sheets. Please refer to the Important Considerations section at the start of this article.

Second, the Measure or Split, as you (or your account administrator) have defined them in Mediatool.

  • The options that populate in the dropdown are limited to those created as Fields and/or Tags in your Mediatool account settings.

  • To add a Measure or Split that doesn't currently exist in your Mediatool account settings, select Create a New Mediatool Equivalent in the dropdown, input the new name of this equivalent and it will be added as a Field in the account settings.

Step 3: Save Connection

Once you have selected all the Measures and Splits and are ready to fetch the data you've selected, click Save Connection. While you wait for the data to fetch, you can navigate to other pages within the Mediatool app or leave Mediatool altogether.

When a green arrow appears next to the Integration, the data has been fetched and is ready to be used in Reports.

Step 4: Check the Raw Data

Please note that Facebook is selected in the video above, but the steps remain the same for Google Sheets.

We recommend taking a look at the raw data that has been fetched from the integration to make sure that your measures and splits are funneling into Mediatool correctly

To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Results section

  2. Select the Sheet View tab, and then the Google Sheets tab, which will display either in the bottom left or bottom right of the Sheet View.

  3. Refresh the page

This is where all data from your various integrations are stored. The raw data cannot be manually edited. If you want to make changes to the measures and splits being captured, head back to the Integration Settings page, adjust and save.

Step 5: Create a Report

Please note that Facebook is selected in the video above, but the steps remain the same for Google Sheets.

Data isn't worth very much if you don't make it understandable and actionable. Put your data to work and gain valuable insights by creating a dedicated report for your integration, or add it to one of your existing reports. For more information on how; visit our help center article on Reports.

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