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Knee Replacement Risks & Complications
Knee Replacement Risks & Complications
Updated over 3 years ago

What are the risks of surgery?

As with all procedures, there are some risks and complications that may result following the surgery, some are more common than others. Here we discuss these individually.

COMMON (2-5%)

  • Pain: The knee will be sore after the operation. Pain will improve with time. Rarely, pain will be a chronic problem and may be due to any of the other complications listed below, or, for no obvious reason. Rarely, some replaced knees can remain painful.

  • Bleeding: A blood transfusion or iron tablets may occasionally be required. Rarely, the bleeding may form a blood collection or large bruise within the knee, which may become painful and require an operation to remove it.

  • Blood clots: DVT (deep vein thrombosis) is a blood clot in a vein. The risks of developing a DVT are greater after any surgery (and especially bone surgery). DVT can pass in the blood stream and be deposited in the lungs (a pulmonary embolism – see below). To limit the risk of DVTs from forming you will be advised to wear some compression stockings on your legs, and give you an injection (or tablet) to thin the blood. Starting to walk and moving early is one of the best ways to prevent blood clots from forming.

  • Knee stiffness: This may occur after the operation, especially if the knee is stiff before the surgery. If this continues for some time, the Surgeon may decide to try and increase the movement under general anaesthetic.

  • Implant wear and loosening: With modern operating techniques and new implants, knee replacements last many years. In some cases, they fail earlier. The reason is often unknown. The plastic layer is the most commonly worn away part


  • Infection: You will be given antibiotics at the time of the operation and the procedure will also be performed in sterile conditions (theatre). The wound site may become red, hot and painful. There may also be a discharge of fluid or pus. This is usually treated with antibiotics and an operation to washout the joint may be necessary. In rare cases, the implant may be removed and replaced at a later date. The infection can sometimes lead to sepsis (blood infection) and strong antibiotics are required.

RARE (<1%)

  • Pulmonary embolism: This happens when a blood clot has spread to the lungs and can affect your breathing. This is a very serious condition and can be fatal.

  • Altered leg length: The leg that has been operated upon may appear shorter or longer than the other.

  • Poor scars: The wound may become red, thickened and painful (keloid scar) especially in Afro-Caribbeans.

  • Nerve injury: Efforts are made to prevent this, however damage to the small nerves of the knee is a risk. This may cause temporary or permanent altered sensation or movement around the knee and the lower leg. Changed sensation to the outer half of the knee may be normal.

  • Bone injury: Bone may be broken when the new implant is inserted. This may require fixing immediately or at a later operation.

  • Vessel injury: Blood vessels at the back of the knee may rarely be
 damaged. This may require further surgery by the Vascular surgeons.

  • Death: This very rare complication may occur after any major surgery and from any of the above.

If you believe you have any of the above complications when you are home, contact your care team or go to your local Emergency Department


[“Knee Replacement – Risks.” NHS Choices, NHS. Accessed 22 May 2020 - Click here

“Public and Patient Guide to the NJR’s Annual Report 2019. Accessed 22 May 2020 - Click here

Knee replacement surgery : Complications. Accessed 22 May 2020 - Click here

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