Following your injury, you may already find it difficult to walk normally. Initially after surgery this will continue to be difficult, and it may even become harder than it was before surgery. Don’t worry – this is normal, and will become easier, more comfortable and more natural as you recover.
But as part of your recovery, it’s important to understand the movements that make up a normal walking gait, and to work on making those movements instinctive and natural again.
It’s something you’ll need to actively re-learn. That’s because your body adapts to protect against pain and dysfunction. Following your injury, your walking gait will have changed as part of your body’s attempt to protect your damaged knee. This new movement pattern very quickly became ‘normal’ for your body, and if it’s not corrected the recovery of your knee and the ov
erall function can be delayed. And because this adaptation is making the body move abnormally and in ways it wasn’t designed to, it can also cause pain and injury to other joints.
This App will show you videos, with clear and straightforward explanations, that will break down and demonstrate a normal walking pattern to help you focus on copying this movement pattern as you progress.
The videos will be shown to you at the appropriate stage of your rehab programme.
It’s important that you don’t rush but take this, literally, step by step.