Welcome to Huma. We hope that you will find this App useful.
It is designed to help give you the best outcome possible from your upcoming operation. It does this by providing you with the resources, information, guidance and support you need to prepare properly for your operation (pre-op) and to improve your recovery in the six months following your surgery.
As part of both your pre-op preparation and your post-op recovery it will guide you through a programme of strengthening exercises, using videos to show you what to do, and with clear helpful explanations to help you perform them properly.
While the Huma App is designed to make your recovery easier, it does not replace your care team. Should you need any urgent care please contact them or visit your hospital’s emergency department.
You will be asked to complete a few questionnaires throughout the process. These questionnaires have been carefully selected to assess your well-being.
You will receive these:
Six weeks before your surgery
One week following your surgery
One month following your surgery
Three months following your surgery
Six months following your surgery
These questionnaires will help your clinician track your progress over time and help them monitor your health and the progress of your recovery. So, it’s important that you complete each one as accurately as you can. The questionnaires can be accessed on the App at any time, However, for best results, we recommend that you do not complete them until you are promoted to do so.
Every week, we’ll ask you to report what symptoms you are experiencing.
Learning and Education
Each week, the App will share articles and information relevant to your procedure to help you in your recovery. Being more aware of:
how to prevent complications
how to prepare for surgery
how to restore mobility in your knee after the operation
will help aid your recovery.
You can also review additional articles in the library section.
Activity Tracker
The Huma App automatically tracks your activity, such as the steps you take, via your smartphone or smartwatch. You do not need to manually enter this.