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Preparing for Surgery
Updated over 3 years ago

Preparing for your surgery and hospital stay means knowing what you need to do in the days before your operation and knowing what to pack for the hospital.

There are some simple but effective steps you can take to:

  • prepare yourself physically for your procedure and

  • prepare yourself and get your home ready for when you return from hospital

You will need to make arrangements to get yourself to and from the hospital.

Lastly, you should check the latest Covid guidance, and make sure you’re properly prepared for any precautions you need to take before your surgery. Your hospital will contact you with more information about what you need to do. But if you’re at all unsure, check with the hospital.

Precautions may include some of the following:

  • you, the people you live with and anyone in your support bubble may need to self-isolate before you go into hospital

  • you may need a test to check if you have COVID-19 before you go into hospital

  • you may need to wear a facemask

Your preoperative assessment

Prior to your surgery date, you may be required to attend the hospital for a pre-operative assessment.

The pre-operative assessment clinic gives your surgical team the opportunity to make sure you are fit enough for the surgery and anaesthetic. They will check for any medical problems which might need treatment prior to surgery, talk to you about any current medications that you should stop taking before your surgery, and can advise you on how long you are likely to need to stay in hospital.

You’ll be asked questions about your medical history, the support you have at home, and your current health.

Your team may want to review your current medication so please bring it – everything you are taking – with you. You may also be asked to carry out some tests, such as MRSA screening, blood, COVID or urine tests.

The assessment also provides a good opportunity for you to ask any remaining questions that have before surgery

Preparing yourself physically for your operation

The more you are able to stay active by strengthening your muscles around your knee joint, the better prepared you will be for surgery and post-operative recovery. Gentle exercises such as walking or swimming are advised – though within your pain limits. Keep all other joints – shoulders, ankles, hips, back and neck mobile and active.

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