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Final Preparations
Updated over 3 years ago

What should I take to the hospital with me?

Make sure you pack everything you will need for your stay in hospital. This could include:

  • All tablets, medicines, or inhalers that you have been prescribed -including those stopped prior to surgery.

  • Personal items including nightclothes, dressing gown and slippers.

  • Comfortable day clothes.

  • Your spectacles labelled with your name.

  • Clean underwear.

  • Toiletry items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, shaving equipment, comb or hairbrush etc).

  • Mobile phone and charger.

  • Small hand towel/flannel.

  • Comfortable footwear.

  • A notebook and pen to write down important instructions

  • A face covering if required

To minimise stress on the day, and ensure you don’t forget anything important, it’s a good idea to prepare and pack as many of these items as possible in advance.

What do I do on the day of my surgery?


Please follow the advice given by your care team about any routine medication that you should either take or stop taking before the operation. Please bring all your medications with you to the hospital.


You must fast for six hours before any anaesthesia or sedation is administered. This means no solid food or soups. You may drink clear liquids like water, black coffee or black tea up to two hours before the operation (check with your anaesthesiologist). Please do not chew gum or eat sweets. Milk, fizzy drinks (including Red Bull and Lucozade), fruit juice or milky tea/coffee are not allowed.

Please note – if you do not follow this guidance, your operation may not go ahead


To help reduce unwanted bacteria, you must remove all body piercings, make-up, and nail polish before your operation.


You will not be able to drive or travel by yourself after your surgery, so make arrangements ahead of time for getting to and from the hospital. If you can, have a friend or family member drive you. In some cases, the hospital may be able to arrange your transport home.

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